1.I love all things nature – like flowers, woods, big skies… and seals on the beach! I do my best to live gently on the planet and even take part in an occasional protest. But mostly I just appreciate the incredible beauty and diversity we still have. I was super excited to find these seals in Norfolk last Autumn.
2. I love my blue hair! Such a perk of embracing the grey… which happened with drama during lockdown. Greying early is a family trait – I blame both my parents!

3. I can sing! Yay! For years I could only manage a couple of lines of a song, if it happened to fall within my tiny range. But I’ve had some voice coaching, and last weekend I even sang Memories from Cats! I’ve joined a couple of community choirs, and can sing in church again. What a joy.
4. I just love helping people. In my pharmacy career, I’ve guided thousands of people through the medicines minefield – helping to find the best solutions for their situations. I am a fan of medication – I’ve seen so many benefits from it. But I love natural methods even more – which is why neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) is such a gift.
5. One of my most favourite things is seeing youngsters transformed through NDT. Problems they have improve, or even melt away. We came to it late in our family, which means the benefits were significant, but limited in scope. When a child starts say at age 7, a whole plethora of new problems (physical as well as educational and emotional) are being prevented. What a privilege. ChrysalisNDT.co.uk